Apr 26, 2011

April 18, 2003...

...was one of the most momentous occasions of my life. It was the day I became "Mama." It was the day I met the most beautiful girl in all the world. It was the day I realized that my heart could exist outside of my body.

That day was 8 years ago. EIGHT YEARS! Where did the time go? When  I look at my beautiful work in progress, I marvel at her character, her selflessness, her creativity, her heart...and I'm certain that I know what love looks like.

Saja's 8th B-Day Session

Saja's 8th B-Day Session

Saja's 8th B-Day Session

Saja's 8th B-Day Session

Saja's 8th B-Day Session

Live in Love,

*Stay tuned to see how we celebrated her big day!


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